Saturday, February 23, 2013

Life carried me to a place where I forgot. Forgive me.

Recently I decided to join a challenge and the challenge reminded me that I did have a blog.

So sorry for forgetting.  But in reality it probably isn't that weird that I did forget.  Life is pretty much the same day in day out.  There is a lot to do and the list never finishes.  It is boringly repetitive.  However we still have dad at home.  My middle daughter is about to start her third year of university.  My son is apprenticed as a chef and at a mighty nice place too.  My youngest is in her final years of schooling and goodness knows where she will go after that.  One of the three has a license which has made part of each day easier but not cheaper.

As a family we adopted an abandoned kitten and named her Nimbus.  She has promptly stolen our hearts and at one year old she rules the household.

It is now dinner time so I had better finish the meal and find some time to learn how to upload photos onto this place.