Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sometimes I wonder why I try.

I am honestly trying to be positive but truthfully there is little to report.

I so wanted to see my little girl in The Pirates of Penzance last night. I saw half. I planned something special for today. I organised everything as well as I could. Fail.

I need a break. Will I ever manage one? Right now it feels like it will never happen.

Oh well hopefully things will be better one day.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where does time go?

Honestly I meant to post on a regular basis. At least then I would have a diary of some sorts of this crazy time.

Honestly though the days blend. We live pretty much by routine. The stability fuels dad's life and he is better for it. Some days are fun filled though. Today has had two big laughs. Dad would like to go to the Ekka. This is a big agricultural show which I think is similar to an American state fair. Dad has mobility issues so I agreed if he would use a wheel chair. Now this is NOT on. One of the arguments was that his helper would soon become very tired. I told him when that happened he could push me. He laughed for the longest time and then we went over the same story several more times. Tonight his beloved cup of tea kept disappearing. In the end we all had to giggle. He would find his tea and then come and tell us and promptly forget where the tea was.

We are also in school musical season. This year it is The Pirates of Penzance. My youngest is enjoying being a pirate. She is so girly so to see her with fake beard and mo is so enjoyable. Everyone is looking forward to earlier nights though. Burning the candle at both ends is tiring to say the least.

So that is an insight into life right now. When the youngest comes home we will be all sleeping well while the cool weather lasts. Night everyone.